How Interior Design Firms are Changing the Face of the Health + Wellness Movement
Finns are globally renowned for their impeccable design, but it's not until you live in Finland, through the dead of winter, that you...
A Solid 2 out of 4
My cohort and I have officially completed 2nd year of Interior Design towards a Bachelor degree. We had final presentations that felt...
Woven Together: A Collaborative (Final Project)
“Woven Together” is an idea that came from many different inspirations. I was originally inspired by the quipus of the ancient Inca...
Day 9 Amazonia: Down River
Another early morning and I walk carefully between the carcasses of the cockroaches. May they rest in peace. I pack like I never intend...
Day 8 Amazonia: the Last Supper
The bugs are worse than they've ever been and the scratching is at an all time high. At breakfast, Marlene casually asks if anyone is...
Day 7 Amazonia: Peru and a Personal Logo
For the time ever, like in my entire life, I wake up to the light of dawn and ACTUALLY get out of bed. I quietly slather myself in DEET...
My Dinner Blessing
I hope you always remember These past two weeks and these amazing people: Our skillful guides, our incredible Elvis! The Calanoa staff...
Day 6 Amazonia: Into the Jungle
I wake up feeling like a new person! Everyone celebrate! Mosquito repellent for all! I rush to pack my things and get to breakfast, ready...
Day 5 Amazonia: Dancing in the Maloka
I wake around 3 am as I do every single night, with the urge to pee. I am so reluctant, because this is not the time to be walking around...
Day 4 Amazonia: the Shaman and the Night Walk
It's 3am and the sound of pounding rain wakes me despite the cold medication, and I am wide awake with these new jungle sounds. It is...